With Murphy’s law happily working (studio server died, no network), Pablo and Soenke pulled an all-nighter to get all frames properly graded and transferred to DPX on a USB drive. Each and every frame got a double check, and a dozen or so frames needed a re-render even. A test screening at film lab Cineco yesterday showed it all was just perfect!
Meanwhile Jan Morgenstern went to Hamburg for a 2-day final mastering session in Konken Studios. They made us their excellently equipped dubbing stage available, allowing Jan and Stephan Konken to finalize a true theatrical master for Sintel.
Today Cineco Amsterdam prepares everything to get it printed on their Arrilaser, so we can get official Dolby SR-D cinemascope 35mm film copies. First copy screening for us is tuesday. Wednesday the copy goes to the Netherlands Film Festival.
That also means we can start now on DVD mastering, a NTSC and PAL disc (with film, 60 minute documentary, out-takes, 4-split version, extra credits, subtitles), a 8 GB DVD-ROM video disc (the film in various formats, tutorial videos, other extras) and a 8 GB DVD-ROM data disc with all the relevant files and docs to examine our work and allowing to re-render it all.
Officially today is also last day to order the Sintel DVD box in our store, if you want your name to appear on the DVD!