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    It’s phenomenal!

    on September 14th, 2010, by Ton

    We’re just back from the final-final-final 35mm scope screening with dolby digital, and I’m still glowing from pride, excitement and emotion. All pieces have fallen together, and with Jan’s soundtrack this is truly incredible good stuff!

    So much thanks to everyone – also to you reader – and so much gratitude for all the great work I’ve witnessed in the past year! <sob!>

    The online release date has to be finalized yet, but aim is before or on October 1st. DVDs then should also being printed, and ship 1-2 weeks after. Stay tuned ๐Ÿ™‚


    80 Responses to “It’s phenomenal!”

    1. Dusty Says:

      Cheering you on to the premier then! Can’t wait to see the film!

    2. Pablo Vazquez Says:

      *teardrop* :’)

    3. tyrant monkey Says:

      awesome I can’t wait to see this

    4. Revolt_Randy Says:

      Can’t wait to see it!!

    5. mcreamsurfer Says:

      It’s good to hear. Now I am really looking forward to see the movie (too bad I cannot be there). Maybe there’ll be another opportunity in the future.

    6. Quandtum Says:

      It’s going to be good! Looking forward to it!

    7. Shrinidhi Says:

      Yipeeeeeeeeeeee .. waiting for the online release .. :):) . congrats to all the people who were involved .. gr8 work . ๐Ÿ™‚

    8. D Says:

      ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

      I wanna seeee…!!!

    9. month3d Says:

      awesome guys great job ๐Ÿ™‚
      With the aprox release date of the dvd, does this mean the tutorials and other stuff are (almost) finished ? ^^
      any “tipje van de sluier” that can be told about what kind of tuts are on it? ^^

    10. Bao2 Says:

      I am surprised it is necesary to create a film version to expose in theatres. I really was thinking all was now digital and they were using MPG2 formats and so. It seems really incredible film is yet used. Many movie directors are only using now digital cameras, what do they then to project in theatres???

    11. shproductions03 Says:

      I can’t wait to see it, I’m so excited I’m going to have a movie party in my house with my whole family and anyone I can get to show up. I’m going to be starting a user group in Cleveland Ohio soon and this would be great to show at are first meeting. Keep up all the good hard work, Big fan of all the people involved with the making of the movie and with Blender.

    12. Bao2 Says:

      I would love to see a final video from Colin or Ton about what they learned making this movie. I am curious.

    13. Ton Says:

      Bao: I was suprised too. Even when theatres have digital, they use systems based on closed and encrypted cartridges only. The movie industry you know… In some countries like France and germany cinemas are switching to DCP though, which you can carry on a usb sticky.

    14. The Fatsnackers Says:

      You know what I really think is that all the actors should be brought together for a nice big team photo, ‘piss take’ style of course.

      Ton: Would be nice if you tape the audiences reaction during watching the film..

      anyways have a good time with the rest of the team at the screening.



    15. jay Says:

      October is going to be a good month!

      On the subject of old-school media, I was surprised and highly annoyed when I found out that many grad schools required slides of artwork- SLIDES! Still tho, there’s something to be said about analog formats, they have a certain warmth to them.

    16. Jirms Says:

      Congratulations Ton! I second what Bao2 says earlier and am curious about your experience and what you learned while making Sintel. Is that going to be a DVD extra? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    17. J. Says:

      A complete feature doesn’t fit on a simple USB stick, as it can be 150 GB or more. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      About encryption:
      The film itself is encrypted, but the data can just be carried on a normal harddrive, but it will only play with a so-called ”KDM”, Key Delivery Message.
      Also Dutch cinemas will switch to fully DCP, but it’s a matter of whether the NVB can make their plans working.

      Btw, trailers are mostly unencrypted, so if you want to make a DCP version of Sintel, nobody obliges you to use encryption. (btw, making a DCP is actually more ”free” than a 35mm print with Dolby sound, since you don’t need any license for sound, it’s just uncompressed sound)

      Glad to hear that the print is ”phenomenal”, I really want to see it!
      But keep in mind that the Cineco screening room is perfectly calibrated, while Pathรฉ Rembrandt is a typical Pathรฉ cinema with enough to complain about, so make sure that the projector is cleaned and properly focussed.

      Btw, when the 4K version is ready, make a 4K DCP version of it, since more and more cinemas in The Netherlands are getting a 4K projector, so in that way it’s possible to organize 4K screenings.
      And a 4K DCP is also playable on normal 2K systems.

    18. J. Says:

      Btw, that system with ”cassetes” is actually DCI. (which uses DCPs)
      Some ”integrators” have systems with cassetes, but they’re actually just Sata drives.
      A year ago I got a tour in a cinema and they got a server without a slot such a cassette, so what they did was just plugging a normal Sata to USB converter in the cassette drive and connected that to the USB port of the Doremi server.

      MPEG 2 was used in the early days of DCI, now it’s JPEG2000 with XYZ colorspace with 2.6 gamma.

      …Good old 35mm, I love it! ๐Ÿ˜›

    19. Schlipak Says:

      @Ton and J :
      Yeah, that’s true, we have some theaters in France that are switching to DCP, but they’re still able to project 35mm movies.
      Even some littles ‘neighborhood theaters’ are forced to renovate and install newer facilities. (Digital projector, 3D)
      Films are stored in HDD.

      Anyway, I can’t wait to see Sintel ! ๐Ÿ˜€
      Waiting for October more than ever !

    20. Dan Says:

      This sounds pretty cool!
      I can’t wait for the release!

      What’s the current state on doing a 3D-Version of Sintel?

      If you will do that (I hope so ๐Ÿ™‚ ) it would be nice to have the 4k Renders in 3D.

    21. J. Says:

      Here in Holland there’s only 1 cinema DCI only (without 35mm), the rest mostly is 35mm and DCI combined with most films still on 35mm.
      In France the situation is completely different than in Holland, in France the government controls it much more than in Holland.
      Currently the Dutch Cinema Owners Association (NVB) has a plan to finance digitizing most cinemas, but it doesn’t force anything. (that’s how things go here in our small cosy country ๐Ÿ˜› )

      How do you want to play 4K 3D? DCI doesn’t allow that, MAX 2K in 3D.

    22. RNS Says:

      Great!!! the rest is history!

    23. Vending Says:

      :] lovely. Now if we had more animators actually making movies we could have contests and awards events ๐Ÿ˜€

      Still.. *proud* this is soo cool ๐Ÿ˜€

    24. Ike Says:

      Awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

    25. J. Says:

      Yeah, but it’s expensive and requires a very good supervisor. (which means: There’s only one Ton Roosendaal! ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    26. Heiko Ihde Says:

      Awesome Work!
      It will be a Great Movie and a great Programm (when fully finished) i have absolutely no doubts ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Greetings from Berlin

      Heiko Ihde

    27. nawabz Says:

      Here in UK, all we do is pay for the ticket and enjoy the movie. We dont need to worry about the fany acronyms hehe.

    28. Alexander Carby Says:

      It’s fascinating to read about this conversion process, I hope to see more movies from the names on these comments thanks to Sintel trailblazing

    29. J. Says:

      Here too, but without technique no movie! (and since this is a site about the production of of movie we jabber around about it ๐Ÿ˜› hehe)

    30. Daniel Salazar Says:

      Amazing, seeing your work on 35mm must be something else ๐Ÿ˜€

      congrats all!

    31. maddes Says:

      I feel like a child a day before christmas and Birthday.

      according the dvds:
      In the anouncement of Blender 2.54 there is this note:
      “IMPORTANT: Between 2.53 and 2.54 an extensive renaming operation has changed the scripting API a lot, with repercussions also for loading 2.53 .blends with animation into 2.54. Make sure you try the FCurve/Driver 2.54 fix entry from the Help menu.”
      So, as you are still going to render the sintel dvd, will the files there be 2.54-ready? or do we have to do this an any file we like to use?

    32. DiGiDio Says:

      Great to see that this job is almost finished and jet with again a lot of high performance programming and producing stuff. My deepest respect to you all
      Can’t wait to see the film

    33. TweakingKnobs Says:

      congrats ton and durian !!!!

      u rock !

      u rule !

    34. Serpent36 Says:

      I want teh movie earlier! xD

    35. Patrick Says:

      MAJOR congratulations, salutations and any-other-ations to the entire Durian team! Regardless of what this will do for Blender in terms of promotion and acceptance in the industry, you have truly created a beautiful piece of art and nobody can ever take that away from you!! You have every right to be proud of yourselfs (I know I am)! =) Well done!

    36. Gonzalo Says:

      Congrats Ton and all the Durian team and sponsors!! You deserve the best for your efforts and dignity in the making of such titanic task!
      Have no words to tanks to you for the living example of how to create your own way in such a boring and comercialized world we live. Bravo Durian! Bravo Blender!

    37. kram1032 Says:

      This is going to be greater than great ๐Ÿ˜€
      You did it ๐Ÿ™‚

    38. J. Says:

      I try to be at the premiere, the opening titles shot over the mountains combined with the music and sound design is so epic on a big cinema screen, it’s pure cinema that needs to be seen as big as possible. I really hope that once the film is on the web Colin gets an offer to make a feature film. He’s really talented, I’ve also seen En Route (no questions on how) and he manages to suck you completely in the movie. (Sintel does the same)

      I really hope you get the 450-seat theatre full!

    39. Sago Says:

      Awesome news! Congrats guys. Enjoy this moment, you all worked hard for it.

    40. Lia (bansheecreative) Says:

      woohooo!!! I really cant wait, been following your progress and can’t wait for our DVD too!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Way to go guys!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    41. Drifton aloft Says:

      Hey Great work every one, i’m looking forward to see everything and i’m waiting by my door so i can pounce on the dvd as soon as it passes through my mail slot

    42. young_voter Says:

      While the soundtrack, music and sound effects can be great, we hope it doesn’t pull our emotions dishonestly. Most American films has a score for every scenes, even scenes where just 2 guys eating donuts.

    43. eMBee Says:

      oh, so close, but just missing the software freedom day on sept. 18th. i was kinda hoping to be able to show the movie to the software freedom day audience ๐Ÿ™

      greetings, eMBee.

    44. JoOngle Says:

      Canยดt wait either.

      *Applaudes in excitement*

    45. grol Says:


    46. kemaru Says:

      Congratulations ๐Ÿ˜‰ Can’t Wait the dvd!

    47. MadSquirrel Says:

      I’ve been following Sintel project since the very begining, reading the blog, comments, tweets, … I could not participate as much as I wanted, but I tried to be here during the sprints, sometime on IRC channel.
      You can not imagine how much I learned from all this ! I learned about Blender of course, but also about general animation, texturing, modeling, about the process of film creation, how the team works, evolves, about Blender and free software community, …

      So I just want to say a big thank you ! Thank you Ton, and the team, for the great work you’ve done, for everything you shared. Thank you, and congratulations !

      *teardrop with Pablo*
      *… and excitment, waiting for DVD* ๐Ÿ™‚

    48. Milad Thaha Says:

      Aaah wish I could join you guys! Keep up the awesome work ๐Ÿ˜€

    49. DingTo Says:

      Glad to hear that you are happy with the result!
      Can’t wait to see the film! Please!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    50. Ton Says:

      young_voter: Colin and Jan developed a subtle and quite daring vision on how to use music in the film, with several shots without score, emphasizing emotional state even more. Works best in (home) theaters especially. It might work less in noisy environments (offices, stores, trade shows, airplanes), but Jan’s and Colin’s choice for an optimal cinematic experience is more than justifiable.

    51. Demohero Says:

      Congrats to all team.

      Looking forward to it.

    52. taniwha Says:

      Lack of score can be much more effective at creating tension (eg, Kiki with the street broom near the end of Kiki’s Delivery Service (้ญ”ๅฅณใฎๅฎ…ๆ€ฅไพฟ), Japanese audio. In fact, dead silence for several seconds, then suitable sound effects, then music).

    53. Cole Says:

      DVDs after Online release?
      It was always vice versa in the past, a kind of privilege who bought it.

    54. speaker_mute Says:

      where is th eonline release?? i need to buy some popcorns and call all my friends here en mexico for the online premier ggg i cant wait to have the dvds in my hands.

      thanks durian team and of course thanks ton for do this kind of projects opensource

    55. Dan Says:

      I didn’t bye the DVD, so I like to be with the first ๐Ÿ˜‰

      But in my opinion it would be unjust to those who really paid for the DVD and with that supported the Project. They should have the right to get their plastic before the whole world can access.

      What about giving those DVD-Buyers 1 week privileged online access with passphrase and after that you can remove the password?
      (But I’m not sure if this would work, because the content would spread anyway – no matter about the passphrase)

    56. J. Says:

      The premiere is on the festival, not online for 3000 people given a password. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Btw, even when they send the DVD’s earlier than the online release, if you live in America a Dutch guy who receives it just inland via TNT the next day is able to put it online days before you receive it. (of course it would be nice if everyone could abide a kind of ”gentlemen’s agreement”, but we don’t live in a fairytale world. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    57. J. Says:

      Btw, the DVD buyers still have a privilege, contentwise, isn’t it? THE BIG ONE HOUR ALI BOUBRED DOCUMENTARY! ๐Ÿ˜€

    58. Jacob Valenta Says:

      Congragulations people!

      I have followed this project so closly from the begining (as probably a lot of others) but it has also taught me a thing or two about pulling a project like this together, seeing that each team member had a diffrent role, and you even had to pull in more people.

      I see the amazing renderes that you guys have created, and I think this is a big jump in showing that blender IS a professional tool. I cant wait to support you guys some more, and buy a DVD of this! From what I see, I cant be dissapointed ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks for entertaing me in school with new blog postes ๐Ÿ™‚ helped me get through, and I cant wait for the next blender movie

    59. jdcooke2010 Says:

      Congratz Ton, and the team…. This is why you do what you do.

      good luck and take care

    60. Felipe Budinich Says:

      As a propietary software user, i’m amazed with what you’ve achieved so far. I use Blender only for compositing at the moment, but once 2.5 is ready for production i’ll be doing my base modelling on Blender, and if Pixie renderer delivers, soon i’ll do everything but high poly sculpting inside Blender.

      It’s getting harder and harder to justify the cost of propietary software. You guys rock.

    61. David Says:

      OMGBBQ! Release the film already!

    62. Alberto Says:

      Felicidades a todo el equipo y un sueรฑo en verdad ver trabajos de semejante calidad tamiben en chile, pero aqui los expertos multimedia a mi parecer no ven con buenos ojos a blender.


    63. Joey Says:

      Finaly a film i would buy a blueray player for ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Can’t wait to see it!

    64. Jimmy Says:

      Congrats ๐Ÿ™‚

    65. Simon Says:

      Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait! The trailer alone was outstanding, can’t imagine how huge will be the movie.
      You guys really rock!!!

    66. Manu Jรคrvinen Says:

      Another vote for recording audience reactions during watching the film on the premiere like Fatsnackers suggested!

      Yeehaa, can’t wait to see the film ๐Ÿ™‚

    67. J. Says:

      That has already been done at the pre-premiere! (you can see a few seconds of that in Ali’s video report)

    68. Dennis Says:

      It’s so cool that it’s finally (almost) here!
      Will you include an audio track with commentary by Colin and maybe someone else? Would be fun.

    69. Tristan Says:

      Blender I Love you ๐Ÿ™‚
      Really, can’t wait to see the final!

    70. Svartalf Says:

      Well, well… Can’t wait to get my hands on the content and set aside budget for the DVD sets. You’ve done unbeliveable things with the previous movies and I’m keenly waiting to see what wonders you’ve accomplished with this one, based upon the OLD teaser (which is a cut above the rest to begin with…).

    71. Rudiger Says:

      Congratulations to all involved. It sounds like it’s going to be, dare I say it, EPIC!!! Also, isn’t it about time for another trailer? I think it would definitely help sell DVDs and stir up interest in general leading up to the premier and DVD/online release.

    72. Domy_graphy Says:


      10 days ohohohohoh

    73. creek23 Says:

      as Barney (from How I Met Your Mother) always say –> “This is going to be LEGENDARY!” ^^

    74. Dan Says:

      9 Days …

    75. J. Says:

      And I’ll be there in Utrecht! ๐Ÿ˜€

    76. The Fatsnacker Says:

      So is the film going to be on October issue of 3DWorld? or an updated trailer? or the Render build? plus some of the models? ๐Ÿ™‚

    77. Dan Says:

      Will the trailer be updated?

      I can’t wait to see final pictures…

      Would be nice if it would be possible to buy the DVD without using an Internet paying method.
      I will never buy something and pay it via internet, only on account.

      But I would love to buy the DVD… is there no different way of buying the DVD?

    78. J. Says:

      Why wouldn’t you? Just pay by Paypal, works perfect!

    79. Dan Says:

      I will not type in my bank account information in any online service.

      It’s always a risk I don’t want to be in.

    80. J. Says:

      It’s SSL encrypted. Most internet fraud is because of the user itself, not looking whether it’s an SSL connection and who’s given the certificate. (or even more stupid, taking fishing mails seriously and just sending the criminals your passwords and such yourself!)

      You also don’t use internet banking? All by paper, still?

      Keep a few things in mind and use common sense!
      Btw, paying by Paypal is very save, because you don’t fill in your banking stuff on the website itself, but on a page of Paypal which is actually an intermediate service.