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    Development Update (odds and ends)

    on January 6th, 2010, by ideasman42

    Since my last post and over the holidays I have mostly been working on smaller things which I didn’t even think it worth posting about, some of these were requested for specific tasks, others were just for fun. Recorded 5 videos, read on for the other 3.

    And before you ask, all this is in the public subversion builds.

    Shape Key Transfer

    Grease Pencil Depth

    Camera Switching

    AutoDepth (back from 2.4x)

    Baking (back from 2.4x)

    Other developments

    • Solidify Modifier (much requested, after the editmode tool)
    • Sequencer copy Paste, needed for comparing 2 versions of the animated storyboards.
    • Presets, Render/Cloth/SSS
    • API Reference, now generate using the sphinx documentation system (used by Python)
      Access by Right Click “View Docs”, Can be searched unlike old API docs.
    • Fast ray cast, function that can be called from python.
    • Passing on maintenance of Rigify to Nathan, development continues in smaller fixes and refinements.

    – Campbell

    75 Responses to “Development Update (odds and ends)”

    1. JoOngle Says:

      Awesome stuff.

      You code-heads are working overtime, Campbell even worked CHRISTMAS every day… O__O

      Maniacs…but I love you all!

    2. Divine Rage Says:


      I wonder, could you perhaps add a user preference option for that interactive baking, to maybe allow us to reload the viewport texture on intervals? I understand it’ll unpractical to do it realtime, but maybe reload every second/2 seconds would be doable and useful.

    3. Bupla Says:

      That grease pencil is magical.
      Thanks for your work.

    4. Vending Says:

      Awesome stuff! -I love the sketch into depth thing -now perspective will be a breeze to teach 😀 well.. maybe you could add an inter-object exception which omits the line inbetween two objects so it casts like a shadow instead 😀 -then add a button for it 😀


    5. erik90mx Says:

      Blendersome! jajajaja

      With the Camera Switching, can we make the transition from one camera to another (like an animation)?

      Greetings and good work!!

    6. radek Says:

      It’s nice to see and watch the gradual evolution and improvement of Blender. Any specific plans to improve the render? This is and was, in my opinion, still one of the biggest weaknesses of Blender. What use is able Node editor without proper output from render… Anyway Hats off and thanks.

    7. OriginalBBB Says:

      Does the shapekey transfer work only and always on meshes of the same identical topology?

    8. Mike Says:

      Can’t thank you enough Campbell!

    9. DreadKnight Says:

      Really awesome job! Woot!

    10. Murali Says:

      Awesome work. Keep up the great work Blender team.

    11. Igor Says:

      Not worth posting it?! C’mon man, you are a genius Campbell, please post everything! We are hungry of your news! 😛

    12. ideasman42 Says:

      @Divine Rage, yep this is probably not so hard viewport-bake-update will look into it at some point.

      @erik90mx, nope, for this I think you’d end up wanting ease in/out and for this its better to use animation tools, though smooth view between cameras could look neat but is a gimmick in this case I think.

      @radek, I dont work on the rendering engine but lots of render development is planned, don’t worry.

      @OriginalBBB, They must have the same topology yes, Id like to write a version that can do some geometry translation but this isnt needed for durian.
      However I did try using barycentric transformations for this, which is interesting in that the 2 meshes can be a totally different scale and shape. You could for eg. copy the shapes from an Ogre onto a fairy. even if the scale is 100x different and the fairy happens to be upside down. The options there in the tool if you want to try it but I found it more technically interesting and not actually that useful for us especially since the results are not as good as a no-brainier offset.

    13. Hessiess Says:

      Awesome, great to see new developments coming quickly out of the open movie projects.

    14. -jay- Says:

      Durian updates are the best updates.

    15. kram1032 Says:

      Yay great new features 😀
      Very nice stuff!

    16. jAkl Says:

      That’s the way to show features… many and straight to the point… 1 minute ~10 features.
      All very useful! particularily like the shape key transfer. But most of the other are great, very manageable grease pencil on surfaces, that new pan/rot/zoom behaviour, camera switching…

      What is fast ray cast?

      Thanks for all these “smaller” features!

    17. gustav Says:

      Awesome updates!

    18. Born Says:

      Awesome work! Thanks!

      This is inspiring stuff… sure makes me wish (yet again) I was a programmer/developer beyond ‘Hello, World!’-status.


    19. Alexsani Says:

      Oh man… I can’t thank you enough for the autodepth. Probably one of the most annoying things to work around. This makes things SO much easier.

    20. Irve Says:

      I’m simply amazed. I have waited for camera switching for a long time and while it seems a bit inconsistently hackish for the UI (considering the consistency work done for 2.5), it works.

      Autodepth was something I didn’t even know to hope for.

      Very cool.

    21. Becca (RedJay) Says:

      Sweet awesome grease pencil features!!!!!! Grease pencil is one of my favorite things to mess around with when doodling out something or I’m just plain bored.

    22. Big Fan Says:

      Ingenious and really helpful stuff here.
      Luv the grease pencil and auto depth 🙂

    23. panzi Says:

      Very very nice indeed! 🙂

    24. JDob Says:

      It is the little things that make blender so great.

    25. panzi Says:

      The new API documentation is great, just I think this is a bit noisy:
      arg foo: …
      type foo: …

      I wrote a greasemonkey script that converts it to:
      foo: …


    26. Tomm Says:

      Do you still have to hold down a key on the keyboard when using Grease Pencil or has that been fixed? in <2.5 I used it quite a lot for sketching up models before starting on the actual modelling, but in 2.5 that is just not possible. Holding down a key WHILE drawing? no, that just doesn’t work IMHO. Maybe for plotting primitive things like shown in the video, but definitely not for actual model sketching with a wacom.

    27. Bart Robinson - 3D Animation Virginia Says:

      Amazing! I have to say, it’s about time with the camera switching, but now it will be a lot easier rendering a series of shots in one go. About the Shape Key Transfer… is that only for identical geometry or does it transfer regions to similar geometry?

    28. me Says:

      Why don’t you just have a field that says ‘active camera’ so you can put keyframes on that field?Or do animations only work on things that can be expressed as numbers?

    29. MTracer Says:

      For Autodepth, I have an idea.

      Could you use a low-pass filter on the z-depth?

      Could you use PCA on the z-depth?

      Both of these could have user-definable sensitivity, and both are intended to look for outliers in z-depth. For instance, if you’re drawing on the ground and the pen accidentally crosses a sign post or something, these methods would trace the ground near-perfectly but ignore the signpost.

      Just a thought,


    30. Linkeltje Says:

      That auto depth function seems to be a solution for quite some frustrating moments I had when navigating trough my scenes. Thanks very much for the updates!

    31. Demohero Says:

      Impressive developments. Thank you very much all of you devs. 🙂

    32. Alexsani Says:

      Hmm… at about 1:01 on the autodepth, your mouse cursor looped around the screen. Will this be in blender, or is this something you have?

      Also, I found out that the feature was already in <2.5 blender, I just didn’t see it/know what it was.

    33. ideasman42 Says:

      @panzi, agree with your that type & arg everywhere is ugly. however this is the method shown in the Sphinx manual so not sure whats up with that.

      @Tomm, Not sure if Holding DKey is going to be kept. Did you notice the ‘Draw’ button is now in the toolbar?

      @jAkl, ray cast means you can say – drop objects into terrain from python very very fast without having to look into face by face intersections. Im working on a tool for scattering junk in the cities so its coming in handy there.
      Its using the same internal function as shrink wrap.

      @me, animating the active camera directly is no so simple
      Im assuming you mean animating with a curve? – Cameras have no set order (appending a new camera may mess up the index). So if you used a curve renaming or removing a camera would break.
      One way could be to have SceneCameraSlots – like material slots. Then a curve could be used to animate the active index. Nicer since it uses the animation system but still seems a bit dodgy to me.

      @MTracer, what you suggest would not be so hard to add. There is an array of float depths so high frequency jitters could be filtered out. Its already using this array to interpolate infinite depths.

      @Alexsani, Mouse warping is now default in 2.5, experimented with this a bit, tested warping the window, view, hiding-mouse-cursor and bringing back where it was clicked. Found view warping best overall since can can always see the mouse and it stays in the same context (you dont end up over a button in another area).

    34. max Says:

      great new features, very pro and useful!

    35. Brent Says:

      GREAT WORK!!!

    36. Consideringthepickle Says:

      “You could use it to draw a person… okay it’s not a really good person…”

      -Really cool developments all around!
      The cityscape and Guardian heads looks quite awesome so far too. Keep up the great work!

    37. MD Says:

      Wow. Those updates are great! I love the pencil thingy. You can almost model stuff with it.

      Not sure if that information might be helpful, but in Cinema 4D the camera issue is solved with a “scene object” that has a keyable camera property. So if you have a setup where you want to switch between cameras, you create such a scene object, then at the certain frames you drag your camera into the scene object’s camera field and set a key. This is the nicest solution for the issue that I have seen so far (then again there are a lot of programs that I don’t know).

      I guess this is kind of similar to your slot idea. But it seems a bit more “tidy” to have the cameras packed away in such a specific object.


    38. Elcrapocrew Says:


      If this is material you consider barely post-able, then I can’t wait to see the stuff you think is news!

      I really need to get better with blender … so far my uses for it seem so lame in comparison to the work that is being done with durian … I almost feel ashamed. Keep up the good work!

    39. waipy Says:

      I am from china! I can’t see the flash movie!

      please give the url of media files!

      I can download the files and see see!

    40. Milad Says:

      You. Are. Amazing, Campbell.

    41. Oskar Says:

      2.5 alpha is already wonderful to wok with, but the full release is gonna be awesometacular!

    42. Nicolas Says:

      Hallucinate great features! Happy New Year everyone! 🙂

    43. Guillaume Says:

      Great, incredible, amazing job !!! I especially love the Grease Pencil development.

    44. me Says:

      (re. animating the camera)

      > I’m assuming you mean animating with a curve?

      Well I don’t see what the use would be of a curve since it’s not a continuous value. There would probably have to be special case code because of the problems you note, like if you store the active camera as a number, what if you add or remove a camera. But even that doesn’t work, because every object is a potential camera.

      If you want to do this completely right, you’d have to have a separate architecture for managing the active camera. Some top level object, like the scene, would have to store a link to all objects that act as a camera in one of more keyframes or in the scene as it is now. The list could then be used to translate from an object to a number and from a number to an object. The number could be used to store the active camera. This list would have to be saved and on load could be checked for items that are no longer used in any keyframe, so unused items can be removed from the list and the numbers in the keyframes can be kept up-to-date at the same time. Kind of how the single-user, multiple-user and fake user reference counting works on textures, meshes and other datablocks.

      It sounds complicated but most of it would be invisible to the user, who could just skip to a keyframe, change the active camera using the normal user interface and then insert a keyframe on the active camera setting. That seems more natural than the “drivers with camera’s attached” thing in the demonstration.

    45. Some other Fellow Says:

      I love everything. Like the way the grease pencil works. I’m happy with the camera changes, but wouldn’t it be wonderfull if we could choose wich camera we wanted to use in the sequence editor? Then it would be like editing a video!

      Many thanks again!

    46. acro Says:

      It looks like you’ve been working through christmas just to make everyone else’s January 2010 soooo much better than christmas!
      Heh, I’d thought my last 2.5 build had most of the cool stuff I needed… but no.
      That grease pencil is frickin awesome, and I like how you nonchalantly debuted the model of the street scene >.>
      Oh aye, and I’ve been using Blender since ~Feb 2007, and on the second day I realised I (and about 75% of the forum community), was crying out for easy camera switching. It’s so indescribably important that’s now fully in Blender for easy use by nontechnical users, so thank you!
      (From the tech end tho, how come it’s so hard? i understand it’s more than just niggly referencing; that fundamentally keyframes apply to continuous ranges… and you don’t like to bodge camera indices into that kind of thing, but what *would* be your ‘ideal’ way? does there eventually need to be a way to keyframe wonky discrete set values?)
      And! … mouse wrapping! Dude! Wanted! Per-viewport does sound good. Is mouse wrap an option in the test builds? Can I access it somehow? If not, what bribes do you accept?

    47. Saverio Says:

      this enhanced grease pencil is awesome!!!:D

    48. beat25 Says:

      This is so awesome 😀 I like the smiles, they’re cute 😛

    49. MeshWeaver Says:

      Wow! awesome! Shape Key Transfer!!! Jack looks weird with that smile though…lol

      and Grease Pencil 😀 and the new Zooming, and Camera Switching, wow!!!

      really awesome 😀

      GO DURIAN TEAM!!! :-DD

    50. D Says:

      City looks very cool. 😀
      And so’re the little features, Campbell. 😛

    51. spacetug Says:

      (his channel, all the videos are on there)

    52. shrinidhi Says:

      am spellbound !! greasepensil is just awesome.. thanks a lot campbell 🙂 . dont know wot u term as “worth posting”.. waiting to see tat 😛 .

    53. Francisco Ortiz Says:


      Take care on the streets.

      Most Blender users are male and maybe someday you just can’t avoid a crowd, rushing for kisses.

    54. Mike Says:

      Although, I still think the NLA is better for managing camera angles.

    55. TobiDn Says:

      Wouldn’t it be kind of neat to be able to change cameras from within the sequencer? To be able to have one or more strips for each camera view, and be able to edit the sequence using the opengl display, before even rendering! You could then just press render, and have a finished product. The different transitions should of course also work (you’d just have to render double the number of frames during the transitions).

      I think it’d be nice to have something that close to regular movie editing, anyway 🙂

    56. Cris Polecat Says:

      Great great guys! Just wanna ask something: how long takes a build that you’re current using to be compiled from graphicall? Maybe is a really stupid question 🙂

      Thanks for your all magic work

    57. Fabio Says:

      I think what Cris meant to ask is: when can we expect to see a stable release of this? Do you work on a schedule, is it possible to give us a release date? Based on what you’ve done, can you take a wild guess in, say, months?

    58. ideasman42 Says:

      @me: regarding camera switching. I think we’re on the same page mostly.
      It could work like this…
      – Camera slots are managed internally, users can just key cameras from a scene camera dropdown (as a number of people suggested).
      – Blender would update on deleting objects and adjust the animation curve too when slots are added/removed.
      – Use animated curves, otherwise we need to have some different animation system/interface which IMHO is too much just for this feature. The camera names could be displayed on the left of the fcurve view, curves draw with sharp changes to show its switching from 1 camera to another.
      – Users don’t need to be aware of these camera slots unless they use the curve view.
      – This way we get nice camera keyframing that fits into the existing animation system.
      This isn’t that big of a project so could be done before durian ends if I get some time.

      @acro, the problem with camera switching is that it needs to be implemented in a nice way, dont think its especially hard. Above I mention a way that I thinks nice enough.
      Glad you like the mouse warping. This will be in any recent graphicall build. I added this mainly because I remember having angry moments when transforming some objects and having the mouse hit the screen limits… grr. Its also much better for a vertical layout when you have buttons that drag horizontally.

      @TobiDn & Mike, a track view could be nice for switching cameras however the sequencer and NLA both are dealing with different kinds of data so it doesn’t not make sense to put camera switching in these, and defining a new kind of track view JUST for camera switching is overkill IMHO. Some kind of animation event system could be good but this is a much bigger project. – Almost like game logic in the animation system if it was done properly.

      @Cris & Fabio, Artists have a desktop icon on their ubuntu systems which downloads and compiles an up-to-the-minute blender. So fixes can be used within a few minutes of developers committing them.
      As for releasing – blender is a huge project and each of us only maintains a small part. Its very heard to say but more then 6months at least.

    59. Skwerm Says:

      Wow! All I can say is “Wow!”

      Camera switching question: When rendering out to file (images or video) is there a mechanism for file naming that would be used to differentiate which camera rendered which files?

    60. Bao2 Says:

      Impressive work Campbell !!!
      2.5 is going to be really impressive. Thanks for the videos.

    61. Dong Jum Ill Says:

      Dude, switch your viewport rotation to ‘turntable’ please, It’s killing me in your videos. That way the screen won’t go all tilted every time you rotate!

    62. Dong Jum Ill Says:

      I forgot to add, thanks for the Baking!

    63. yoff Says:

      Good job, nice bunch of features 🙂

    64. Rudiger Says:

      The grease pencil looks really cool and I would love to see it developed further.

      Sure, it wouldn’t have priority for Durian, but here are some features that I think would be cool:
      1. Let it be possible to set properties for them like width and color and allow them to be directly renderable.
      2. Pressure sensitive to control line widths
      3. Animatable (step or interpolated)
      4. Ability to close shape and create fill
      5. Ability to tweak lines after they’ve been drawn

      Just imagine how quickly you could throw together an animatic with real blender camera moves with these features.

      I haven’t used Blender much but intend to start when 2.5 gets more stable, so apologies if any of these don’t make sense. I know Python pretty well, so maybe I could write it myself.

    65. Saverio Says:

      (sorry Rudiger)
      6. Ability to convert the grease pencil contour on the mesh surface in actual mesh geometry (a bit like the retopo tool…i’ve seen a similar feature in a video on youtube, i think the 3d package was zbrush)

    66. Achim Luebbeke Says:

      @ Campbell: This might be small steps for you, but they are big steps for our imaginations! 😉
      @ Rudiger: I thought about requesting your points as well, but had a look at the grease pencil to see how it already works within the current version that I use: 2.49b. – And – what can I say – your first three feature requests are already available – except allowing them to be rendered.

      I would like to see that we can render the grease pencil, too. Maybe, simply convert them into particles which show up only in the given frames?
      But, probably you only need to add a button to switch the visibility in the render options?

    67. Rudiger Says:

      @Saverio: Great idea!
      @Achim Luebbeke: Animatable? Really? I must investigate!

    68. me Says:

      That would appear to address my main concern.

    69. Guybrush Threepwood Says:

      Thanks Campbell!
      The videos are very good to understand your new features and make it easy for us to understand the benefits.
      Hope everybody is healthy. In my region of germany (Stuttgart) many people have been sick over the holidays.
      Aussies, enjoy the snow 😉

      2010: The year of Durian.

    70. Niko40 Says:

      Great features indeed… So I did test some of it already and I think that the autodepth rotation in trackball could use some more work. Now if I rotate around from something that’s in the center of the srceen it works great but when I rotate around surface that’s near the edge of the 3d viewport, it rolls the screen around like it would normally do when rotating from near the edge of the viewport. I’d prefer that the trackball center was under the mouse when rotating from the edge. I don’t know how this is going to work though but at the moment I can’t really work with this. With turntable it works fine but I prefer trackball. How to do rolling then would be another thing…

      It would be nice to have autodepth separately for both rolling and panning as I’m really attached to the old trackball (but I’ll try this out more of course). I already found the new panning a lot more easier. Also new zoom with Ctrl is really something I could use but I would prefer mouse wheel roolling do the original zoom. Some more options would be really nice.

      But anyway. You do great progress. Thank you all.

    71. Mr Mowgli Says:

      I really love the new additions!! Great job!

      I don’t mind using the change current camera from the timeline, however I agree with @me that it would be much better to go to a frame, select from a list (Not a dropdown) the active camera and set the keyframe for it.

      I would also love it if it if the markers were added to a bit; for instance change color if a camera change occurs on it, color coding the name to differentiate between types of markers, or even a layer, color or tag system for markers perhaps, to group things like dialog vs animation, or transitions etc.

      Just a thought!

    72. Eagleshadow Says:

      Great work I’m loving the new features!
      I have been using autodepth a lot lately, and i have to say it’s incredibly useful but sometimes in some situations it’s a bother so what would be best in my option would be to have additional option to have autodepth on only when some key is held. I don’t know how much work it is to make that but it would be megawesome 🙂

    73. Walshlg Says:

      Wonderful progress!
      Grease pencil with depth -> can we use it to make a path?
      Perhaps a rough mesh object?
      Perhaps to (re)define bone paths in animation and select bone position for a given frame along the path? (wish wish)

    74. MTracer Says:

      Funny, I thought mouse wrapping was a bug. And not a welcome one at that. But then, I don’t think the version I was using was very stable, it probably works better now…

    75. Frank_robernson Says:

      AMAZING it all is amazing there is nothing bad about your project just stunning outstanding and fascinating!!!!!